Middle School Matters

On Being Thankful

As we approach Thanksgiving, I am reminded why I am so thankful to be associated with Trinity School.  We are doing so many exciting things, and our future is bright!


This past week, we had the opportunity of hosting a team of administrators from Houston Academy in Dothan, as well as the Crenshaw County Public Schools.  The letter below expresses beautifully how our school is viewed by many educators across Alabama.  Kudos to our technology team and our faculty for making Trinity a leader in the area of technology integration!

Thank you for hosting our visit. It was most impressive, power packed, informative and inspirational. Bob’s opening remarks set the stage for the day and his closing remarks closed it out with inspiration.

The agenda and package that you provided was right on. You and your team were prepared and excited to share your experiences with us. We saw live demonstrations of how technology is used in the classroom. The impromptu demonstrations by eager and willing students was very useful. We also appreciate the 5th Grade Morning Message class and our visit to the Flipped Classroom. The presentations by your administrators, Media Specialist and others were most helpful to us as well. You covered all of the bases including testing. Finally, the sharing of technology tools, financial information, deployment information, and information on your infrastructure will be most useful in our planning, deployment and implementation.

You reinforced the fact that no amount of planning will overcome the challenges we face. Your attitude towards change, the opportunity to look inside and under the covers of your 1:1 “Journey” will serve to guide and inspire us as we move forward toward our journey. We saw first hand the possibilities and would like to visit with you again with a team of teachers and administrators, as we are eager to learn more.

My team and I thank you for the day, the delicious lunch and a most informative visit. It was far more than what we expected.



Robert L. Williams
Technology Coordinator
Crenshaw County Schools

A Student Shares His Thankfulness for Trinity

If you haven’t yet, you owe it to yourself to read a recent blog post by Trinity student Fox Carlson.  In it, he expresses another reason why we should all be thankful for the opportunities our children have at Trinity.

May you and your family be blessed this Thanksgiving season!


About Kerry Palmer

I am the Head of School at Trinity Presbyterian School in Montgomery, Alabama. I also conduct the Sanctuary Orchestra at First Baptist Church in Montgomery. I enjoy reading and blogging about leadership.
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