Middle School Matters

Camp Cosby

Monday morning, our 6th grade students will once again head north to beautiful Camp Cosby for a combination science field trip and spiritual retreat.  This event is steeped in tradition, and blesses our students with a bonding opportunity, spiritual renewal, and memories that last a lifetime.

As we prepare to go, and while we are away, please pray that the Holy Spirit will use this time to speak to our students, teachers, and parents.  Specifically, please pray for the devotionals that I will be leading.  They will be centered around our “Stand Firm” theme for the year and will hopefully encourage our kids to make wise, godly choices during these critical years and beyond.

Our specific devotionals are as follows.  Please commit to pray for these each day, asking that our kids may absorb what the Holy Spirit would have them hear:

Monday evening: Brothers and Sisters – Stand Firm! (1 Cor. 15:58)

Tuesday morning: The Object of Our Adoration: We Stand Firm Because We Serve an Awesome God (Isaiah 6)

Tuesday evening: Dare to Be a Daniel: Standing Firm in Tough Times (Daniel 6)

Wednesday morning: Stand Firm and Shine! Glorify God with Your Light (Matthew 5:14-15)

Trinity is unique and special because we are a Christian school.  Help us infuse this camp with the aroma of Christ by partnering with us in prayer!

Did You Know?

Over the last year, Trinity students have accomplished some amazing things.  Click here and be encouraged!

Have a Great Weekend!

About Kerry Palmer

I am the Head of School at Trinity Presbyterian School in Montgomery, Alabama. I also conduct the Sanctuary Orchestra at First Baptist Church in Montgomery. I enjoy reading and blogging about leadership.
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