Middle School Matters

Why Invest in Trinity?

One of my greatest joys is accompanying our 6th grade students to Camp Cosby each year.  It is refreshing to pull away from the daily grind and encounter the Holy Spirit in the beauty of God’s magnificent creation.

While each trip to camp is special, this trip was especially special.  For it was on this excursion to the hills of north Alabama that my belief in what we do here and why we do it was solidified.

During our first evening at camp, Kirby Sasser, one of our precious young people, became violently ill with a serious diabetic episode.  He was thrown into a seizure in front of the entire 6th grade class, and was non-responsive for around twenty minutes as his blood sugar had plunged to dangerously low levels.

As several people worked to revive Kirby, you could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit in that rustic, outdoor gym.  Our students huddled in groups and prayed softly.  Several minutes into the episode, a group of students began to sing, “How Great is Our God.”  Chills ran over my body as I heard the sweet, angelic voices of our students praising their Creator in the midst of a storm.  We were all reminded of the assurance we receive knowing that whenever two or more are gathered together in the name of Christ, He is there also.

Thanks to the efforts of Lynn Bright, along with support from the Alpine Volunteer Fire Department, Kirby was revived and transported to a local hospital for treatment.  Camp went forward, and Kirby even joined us on day two, participating fully in our talent show just 24 hours after he was being tended to on the gym floor.  God is good!

Why do we invest in Trinity?  This story is why.  In the middle of a storm, our students naturally turned to Christ.  When things looked frightening and uncertain, our students chose to exalt the greatness of God.  Those precious young people called upon the name of the Lord, and he answered.  May they serve as our example.

About Kerry Palmer

I am the Head of School at Trinity Presbyterian School in Montgomery, Alabama. I also conduct the Sanctuary Orchestra at First Baptist Church in Montgomery. I enjoy reading and blogging about leadership.
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3 Responses to Middle School Matters

  1. jacbryan@knology.net says:

    Very well said! I love our school!!

  2. Barton Walker says:

    I was just brought to tears by this testament to our children’s faith. THIS is why we send them to this precious place we are proud to call our school. I hate I was unable to go with you all. Thank you so much for sharing this on your blog.

  3. Lori Sims says:

    Mr. Palmer Thank you for the Godly example you set each day for our students. You are a blessing to Trinity! Lori Sims Connected by MOTOBLUR™ on T-Mobile

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